Friday, May 29, 2009

socially, it sucks to be a girl.

I’ve noticed more and more as of late, just how much it sucks to be a girl.  At college, there are tons of parties on campus where there are no girls at all- just guys- chilling together, enjoying each other’s company, talking about sports, and girls and doing whatever.  But how often does that happen with girls?  VERY, VERY rarely.  The closest that girls get to that is blaring their music and dancing around the room while they are doing their makeup together to go out and SEE the boys.  

Truth of the matter is, girls are terrible at just being alone.  And this infuriates me to be honest.  Why should boys be the ones that are more independent and self reliant and HAPPY when they are by themselves?  I hate the fact that women are the more dependant ones- relying so heavily on men for amusement and happiness.  And I can already hear the complaints that people would balk to that statement.  But you know what?—when guys spend a night in with their boys they usually have a damn good time.  When girls spend a night in with just their girls- more often than not, its because they couldn’t find guys that they wanted to hang out with.  And they usually see it as a wasted night.  

So, I’ve been desperately thinking how one might go about changing this little social pattern that I have noticed.  And here’s what I’ve come up with.  Boys have many things in their lives that have nothing to do with girls, and they are happy to do those things.  Boys have activities that they can do with their boys that they don’t need (or want) girls around for.  Basketball game at the park?  Just the dudes.  Pick-up football?  Just the dudes.  Golfing?   Just the dudes.  Video games?  JUST THE DUDES.  See what I mean?  And then I tried to think of activities that girls do by themselves that they don’t need (or want) guys there for.  And the list I came up with was shockingly short.  Shopping?  For sure.  Yoga class?  I guess.  Scrapbooking afternoon?  Maybe...  And then I absolutely draw a blank.  

Now, look at how common the guys’ activities are.  Its stuff that they do on a regular basis.  The women’s things?  They are anything but common.  So what do we need to do to empower women, and help them to have more FUN in their lives without men?  We, as women, need to find activities that we can enjoy where we don’t want a single man present.  And we need to do those activities far more often.  Because really, that’s the only way to make women as independent socially as men already are.  And its the only way to make being a woman a bit more enjoyable.  

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